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"Let’s Keep Our Dreams Alive”
No matter how you feel about the World Cup in Qatar, no matter what mistakes have been made and no matter what mistakes are still to be made, “Let’s Keep Our Dreams Alive”.
One thing is certain the people who gave their lives to build the stadiums did not die in vain. Human rights have never been discussed as often as in the past few days. That's actually the only good thing about this whole story. Certainly one can only hope that the bereaved will at least receive compensation.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the people fighting and dying for their freedom in Iran, they had dreams of a better future. It is tragic and dire that in today's civilized time, regimes have this power to destroy people and bring suffering to humanity.
In the middle of a huge climate catastrophe and at the same time also a human catastrophe, “Let’s Keep Our Dreams Alive”.
It's just bad that people who have the power and the money decide about destruction, suffering and life. Nevertheless, we should always stand up and point out grievances, the constant dripping wears away the stone or “The Squeaking Wheel Gets the Oil”.
We must not stop fighting for peace and freedom. No matter in which field of work we are in and also as a pensioner we can always do our part.
Let's stand up and fight peacefully for human rights. “One World One Love”
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We are all living in a very crazy time right now.
First we had the pandemic, then we had the flood disaster in parts of Germany, and now we are dealing with the aftermath of the war in Ukraine. Russia invades a peaceful, sovereign state and not only brings disaster to Ukraine but the world itself. The Russian people can't help it and the people who protest against it go to prison camps for about 15 years. We can only pray and hope that this madness will end soon.
Solutions that you might have had yesterday are outdated a day later and can no longer be used. Sometimes it is hard to understand that a single person can bring disaster to an entire country. The whole world already had the experience of Adolf Hitler, now we are dealing with a Russian President Putin.
Every Russian and every Ukrainian soldier who dies is one soldier to many. The people who die, mothers and fathers who cry for their children, children who lose their parents, all that is the madness of a war.
War alone is bad enough, but having people tortured is even worse. It's hard when you stand there sometimes, you feel powerless and you can't change anything. We don't know where energy prices are going and we all face severe financial losses in the future.
Many people no longer even know how to pay for all this. This is certainly a bad situation and something we never dreamed of happening. But it's still better than if we were the invaded country ourselves and were at war. I can only hope that the world communities will continue to stand together, that we humans will stand together and seek peaceful solutions.
There are many people and also parties who of course are now trying to catch people for their fatal ideas, lies and incitement.
The aggressiveness is getting bigger and sometimes goes below the belt. It is very difficult to understand that different points of view and discussions turn into hate. We must pray daily that the responsible politicians, authorities with the United Nations will find the right way.
This will certainly not be easy because the situations change every day. You always have to adapt to new things and cannot fall back on experience. Diplomacy is tough business and requires a certain level of trust.
Of course, that is very difficult with the current Russian President Putin.
Nevertheless, we must not give up hope. How nice it could be in our world if you settle different points of view peacefully.
Religions must not be used to assert one's own egoistic power claims. Children must have the right to grow up as children. There must be no child labor and there must be no child soldiers. This thought alone is already terrible and unimaginable but reality.
You notice it here on Facebook, if you post a half-eaten piece of bread you get more likes than if you ask people to work for peace.
Nevertheless, we must always try the ways we know. Hard times are still to come for us as artists, hard times are still to come. If our concert-goers don't have any more money, you won't be able to attend any more concerts either. Production costs money, writing new songs costs money, but how are you going to pay these costs when the concert guest has no money at all.
My wish for all of us is that soon we can see the light in the dark and that our lives will change positively.
Change is only possible in communities. It can't be that children die because they have nothing to eat. We live in a highly industrialized world and we don't even get it settled.
What despair must there be for the people leaving Africa, fleeing across the Mediterranean in a small boat, hoping that things are better somewhere else, also with the thought of going under with this small boat.
How deep must the desperation be to take such a risky move, that's why I wrote the song “One World One Love”, all the differences we have with each other should connect us.